Homelessfor the Holidays
Every year as the temperatures drop and the city of Columbia prepares for the holiday season, churches in the community open their doors to host Room at the Inn in whatever space they have. A traveling shelter, Room at the Inn utilizes the spaces that they can to provide a warm place to sleep and a filling breakfast for those who have no other option.
Room at the Inn
The city of Columbia, Missouri begins decorating for the holiday season in the middle of November. For many this is an exciting time of year, but for the homeless community it can be one more thing to be sad about. Photo by Jessica Welsh.
According to Yvonne Chamberlain, Coordinator of Room at the Inn, Columbia has a larger than normal population of homeless people. She says it is due to the city's involvement in the arts, education, and healthcare. Photo by Samantha Stokes.
As December begins and the holidays approach, the dropping temperatures add a new level of danger to the life of a homeless individual. Temperatures in Columbia frequently drop below zero on winter nights. Photo by Jessica Welsh.
According to Yvonne Chamberlain, the main goal of Room at the Inn is to keep people from freezing to death. In downtown Columbia, one can often see homeless individuals doing whatever it takes to stay warm. Photo by Jessica Welsh.
Columbia's First Baptist Church has been involved with Room at the Inn since the beginning. This year, they will host the last leg of the shelter's operating months, at the end of February. Photo by Samantha Stokes.
As Room at the Inn continues to grow, only larger churches are able to host. At this point in time, only churches that can hold 50+ cots are permitted to host Room at the Inn. Photo by Samantha Stokes.
First Presbyterian Church is one of five churches that host Room at the Inn. There are five more churches in the community that serve as sponsors and partners to the shelter, as they are unable to hold enough people. Photo by Jessica Welsh.
The smaller sponsor churches of Room at the Inn provide the shelter with volunteers and donations. Community members can volunteer as either evening greeters or overnight supervisors. Photo by Jessica Welsh.
Evening greeters at Room at the Inn have the opportunity to build unique relationships with members of the homeless community. However, the shelter has a need for people to fill the overnight shifts. Photo by Jessica Welsh.
Missouri United Methodist Church is the largest church in downtown Columbia. With so much space, they are able to provide Room at the Inn with a basketball gym to set up cots in. Photo by Samantha Stokes.
Room at the Inn hopes to obtain a permanent, larger space in the future. Currently they have to rely on churches who have enough space, but Room at the Inn's numbers continue to grow and they often have to turn people away. Photo by Jessica Welsh.
During the summer of 2015, Room at the Inn found a possible permanent location. However, they received a negative response from the community and were unable to obtain the property. Photo by Jessica Welsh.
Room at the Inn not only provides a warm and peaceful place to sleep, but they also provide snacks, games, movies, and a continental breakfast. They're able to do so strictly through volunteers and donations. Photo by Jessica Welsh.
Calvary Episcopal Church has been involved with Room at the Inn since it's conception. Although it is no longer large enough to host, it regularly provides volunteers and donations. They also stay involved in the homeless community by serving dinner at Loaves & Fishes Soup Kitchen on the first Sunday of every month. Photo by Jessica Welsh.
Even with a successful seven years of hosts, sponsors, and donations, Room at the Inn is always in need of more help. They welcome any and all volunteers. Photo by Jessica Welsh.